Institute of Earth Sciences and National Seismic Monitoring center of Ilia State University conducted multidisciplinary study of Nino Jvania Street and its adjacent area, upon the request of the local population and considering public interest.
Geophysical and general Geological study showed, that the left slope of the upper portion of the riv. Varaziskhevis basin is not hazardous in terms of landslides (due to the geological settings), but just small-scale rock falls are expected; while the right slope is much more unstable and activation of landslide processes are expected. In case of heavy rainfall, the landslide will be triggered and there is a probability, that the mudflow will stuck the river pipe. Most likely, afterwards water will overtop the barrier, causing severe inundation. Landslide can be triggered by strong earthquake as well. Performed 2D Hydraulic modelling showed possible hazardous areas, if proposed scenario will take place (see modelling video).
To avoid the manmade hazard, we strongly recomend to conduct any construction activities in the study area, only after detailed geological and hydrological studies; No construction works are recomended on the right slopes of the river; The right slope must be investigated in details and landslide monitoring systems should be installed; special engineering constructions must be installed to protect existing buildings and population.